The Iron Mountain Lake Police Department consists of 10 sworn officers and 1 civilian records clerk. The police department's Chain of Command consists of the Chief of Police, Asst. Chief of Police which holds the rank of Captain, 2 Sergeant.
The Iron Mountain Lake Police Department has adopted a proactive approach to the policing strategy. This is accomplished by vigorously investigating ways to mitigate situations that could lead to civil disturbance or criminals acts within it’s’ jurisdiction and surrounding area. A special concern of the Iron Mountain Lake Police Department includes public information to senior citizens and businesses in an attempt to prevent exposure to criminal opportunity. This strategy enhances the police department’s community relationship, thus, promoting a strong, aggressive, and critical community - police relationship.
Patrol officers utilize the most current equipment available. Each squad car is equipped with a video camera, "moving" radar unit, and tactical use weapons. Officers are dispatched by St. Francois County Joint Communications Center which has enhanced 911 capabilities to help direct officers as quickly and efficiently as possible.​
Matt Lackey
Patrol Officer
Badge Number
Seth Meyer
Patrol Officer
Badge Number
Chris Griffin
Patrol Officer
Badge Number
Bill Beller
Patrol Officer
Badge Number
Curtis Bone
Patrol Officer
Badge Number
Zach Boyer
Patrol Officer
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